
DALLAS, Dec. 28, 2012 — Southridge Enterprises Inc. (SRGE) (“Southridge” or the “Company”) is would like to clarify that the Company does have signed agreements with KGEM (Kinross Gold Exploration Mexico) regarding Cinco Minas & Gran Cabrera, and that any and all quotes attributed in our December 26, 2012, news release to Mr. Martin Moscosa, Exploration Manager for Kinross Gold, are indeed accurate and documented.

“While we are very disappointed that Kinross seems to be hedging their position, Southridge can verify any and all agreements and attributed quotations from the Dec. 26th news. “, said Michael Davies the President & CEO of Southridge Enterprises. The good news for investors is that in the wake of the recent news, several parties have already contacted Southridge regarding potential partnerships for Cinco Minas and Gran Cabrera.”

“We can only speculate as to the motives of Kinross, but it may be related to the fact that they do not want competitors or the market to know of their strategic positioning in Jalisco, Mexico. Perhaps they are looking to secure their position in the region, and do not want to invite a rush of competitors.”

The Company would also like to express that documentation regarding the engagement with Kinross was on file with the SEC prior to the December 26, 2012, news release. Southridge will be consulting with its legal counsel to pursue this matter through litigation and seek any damages incurred.

