
  • High grade zinc in Tres Amigos North area confirmed in holes LV5016 and LV5018;
  • Preliminary assay results returned more than 30% zinc in LV5016 and LV5018;
  • Intersections are outside the current published resource and will add tonnes in the next update;
  • Confirms potential for repetitions of ore grade mineralisation associated with the Juarez Limestone;
  • Drilling is ongoing to determine the scope and geometry of the mineralisation.

Consolidated Zinc Limited (ASX:CZL) is pleased to confirm the presence of high grade zinc and lead mineralisation intersected in the Company’s initial six drillholes completed at the recently identified Tres Amigos North (TRN) zone (LV5013 to LV5018). This zone is found in the immediate hanging wall to the Juarez Limestone Unit and sits outside of the current high grade JORC resource envelope (Figure 1).

Consolidated Zinc Managing Director Will Dix commented “This again confirms our view that there is significant untapped mineralisation accessible from within the existing mine infrastructure. I expect this new drilling at Tres Amigos North and that recently identified at Carola South will add significant tonnes to our existing JORC resource base.”

The results are preliminary as nine of the samples submitted for assay returned grades above 30% zinc. This is greater than the ore grade analysis method used and the samples have been resubmitted for “concentrate grade” analytical methods. These results are expected to be returned at the end of the week and the Company plans to release a full interpretation and analysis of the results at this time.

Tables 1 and 2 summarise the hole details and assay results highlights including the preliminary very high grade results. The best results include the following but these are preliminary and conservative given the requirement to reassay them.

  • LV5016 1.50m at >30% Zn, 0.59% Pb, 52.05 g/t Ag
  • LV5018 1.85m at >30% Zn, 0.23% Pb, 11.07 g/t Ag

The TRN area represents an exciting opportunity for the Company as it is a previously untested and unmined horizon stratigraphically below the Mina Vieja Manto. Face sampling results that located this area that is immediately accessible by existing workings are shown in Figure 3 and were reported to the market on 30 April 2017.

Mineralisation here contains coarser grained sphalerite and lesser galena than the mineralisation related to the Mina Vieja Manto and in some ways is similar to the mineralisation intersected in hole TRSDD010, located 500m to the south, near Mina Vieja Mine (Figures 2a and 2b). Mineralogy of TRN, suggests it is a higher temperature replacement style, commonly containing late-stage pyrite overprints, which occur patchy and irregular. There is a structural complexity associated with the mineralisation at TRN, which includes tight isoclinal folding of the mineralisation, shear structures and a change in the strike orientation of mineralisation to east-west.

Work will continue to update and improve the geological setting and the relationship to Tres Amigos main zone. This includes, drilling of the TRN mineralisation to scope out the extent and the geometry of the mineralisation over the next period subject to ongoing drilling results. 

Note 1: TW represents an approximate true width of the mineralisation based on structural assessment of contact information and drill orientations. mdh: metres down hole
Note 2: Assays shown are preliminary as they returned a very high grade of at least 30% Zn which was over the limit of the methodology used. To obtain an accurate grade the samples are being re-assayed by a different method more often used to assess high grade concentrates.

Figure 1. Zinc-lead mineralisation outlined and samples in the areas of Tres Amigos North and Carola South underground development.



Figure 3. Location and assay results from the rock sampling program completed on Level 7 targeting the Tres Amigos North Area. 


Figure 4. Drill traces and preliminary assay results from drillholes targeting Tres Amigos North and the face sampling grades shown in Figure 3. Cross section A-A’ is shown in Figure 5.


Figure 5. Cross section through Tres Amigos North looking WSW showing drill traces and significant preliminary assay results to date. Note location of UG samples showed in Figure 3 plan. 



Yours faithfully,

Will Dix
Managing Director
11 May, 2017 

