Category: Investor’s Corner

All that glitters isn’t gold – Business News Network (blog)

The eyes of silver bulls are sparkling as prices climb amid rumours of silver bullion shortages.

Mind you, the Financial Times site says that the talk is “mainly down to one particular website. Zerohedge.”

Over at Zerohedge, Tyler Durden says that “On Friday we disclosed that major precious metals distributor, retailer and trading house had run out of physical silver inventories in Germany (and possibly elsewhere) and was advising clients to seek the precious metal elsewhere. Today, we find that the UK joins Germany in what is now becoming the second round of the global silver shortage (the first one occuring in May 2010 when it was unclear just how the ECB would deal with insolvent PIIGS). Below is the warning by British BullionByPost notifying clients that the company currently has no silver bars in stock.”

Virgin Metals – Advanced Copper Projects in Mexico – Copper Investing News

Virgin Metals Inc. (CVE:VGM) is a Toronto, Ontario, Canada based exploration and development company engaged in advancing copper focussed projects in Sonora State, Mexico. Virgin Metals’ strategy is to systematically explore and develop the Company’s primary assets: The Los Verdes and the Curatro Hermanos deposits. The Company’s current focus is to update the Los Verde’s pre-feasibility study while increasing the measured and indicated mineral resource of all the of the Company’s reserves. Virgin Metal’s long term goal is to develop on of more profitable operating copper mines in Mexico.

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