Category: Exploration and Development

Sierra Madre and Partner Riverside Resources Discover New Gold Zone at The Penoles Project In Durango, Mexico

Sierra Madre Developments Inc. and its partner Riverside Resources Inc. are pleased to announce that a new gold anomaly has been discovered less than 2 km south of the El Capitan gold zone currently being drilled (2,500 meter diamond core drill program) by Sierra Madre. This new epithermal gold area called the Pinchanzo zone has initial surface assay samples (21 samples) returning up to 2.38 g/t gold with 20 percent of the samples returning greater than 1 g/t gold. A follow up mapping and sampling program is now underway.

Mammoth Resources Continues to Encounter Encouraging Precious Metal Results at Urique Project, Chihuahua, Mexico

Mammoth Resources Corp. is pleased to report additional gold and silver results from its ongoing mapping, trenching and sampling program at the 290 square kilometre Urique Project, located in Chihuahua State, Mexico. The Urique Project is surrounded on three sides by Goldcorp’s El Sauzal gold mine to the south, Kimber Resources’ Monterde property to the north and Paramount Gold and Silver’s San Miguel project to the west (refer to Figure 1. Location of Mammoth Resources – Yale Resources Urique Joint Venture, Chihuahua State, Mexico). Work is being supervised by Mammoth Vice President Exploration, Richard Simpson, P. Geo, and is being carried out by Yale Resources geologists. Mammoth is optioning the Urique Project from Yale Resources (for terms of option agreement please refer to the Company’s news release dated February 24, 2012, available under the Company’s profile on ).

Revolution Announces High Grade Surface and Underground Assay Results from Mexico

Revolution Resources Corp. is pleased to report that the Company has advanced the exploration program after receiving high grade surface and underground sampling results at its La Bufa and Universo Properties in Mexico. High grade gold, silver and variable copper mineralization suggests multiple prospective epithermal targets and extensions to the historically producing Carmen Mine at La Bufa and the Cinco Estrellas Mine at Universo. Drilling is currently underway.

Goldgroup Provides Update on Change of Soil Use Permit Status at Caballo Blanco

Goldgroup Mining Inc. has had its Change of Soil Use Permit, also known as the “Estudio Técnico Justificativo para Cambio de Uso de Suelo”, returned to the Company, for its 100% owned Caballo Blanco gold project, from the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, also known as the Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recurso Naturales (“SEMARNAT”). Goldgroup submitted the ETJ to SEMARNAT, which is the federal environmental regulatory agency in Mexico, on December 16, 2011. The ETJ is evaluated by the regional office of SEMARNAT in Veracruz. Comments by SEMARNAT request that the Company provide further details on the following information for its ETJ application:

Yale Continues to Encounter Encouraging Results at Urique

Yale Resources Ltd. is pleased to report additional gold and silver results from its ongoing comprehensive work program at the 290 square kilometre Urique Project, located in Chihuahua State, Mexico, immediately north of Goldcorp’s El Sauzal gold mine and immediately south of Kimber Resources’ Monterde Property. Work at Urique is being performed on behalf of optionee Mammoth Resources Ltd.

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