Mammoth Expands Mineralization on its Tenoriba Property
Mammoth Resources Corp. is pleased to report that following two tours by its geological team exploring the company’s Tenoriba Property, located in the prolific Sierra Madre precious metal belt in south western Chihuahua state, Mexico (refer to the company’s website, for a detailed location map), it has extended mapping and sampling of similarly altered felsic volcanics and breccia with numerous locations of vuggy silica to the northeast and south west of the area previously drilled by Masuparia Gold Corporation (Masuparia). The occurrence of these rock types, extending at least one kilometre to the northeast and one kilometre northwest are similar to those drilled by Masuparia in which it intersected up to 45 grams per gold per tonne (please refer to press release dated July 3, 2012 for the results of this work).