Shares of Silver Standard Resources Inc. (SSRI) hit a new 52-week high on Thursday. The stock traded as high as $35.94 during mid-day trading and last traded at $34.78. The stock previously closed at $35.06.
Separately, analysts at Zacks Investment Research downgraded shares of Silver Standard Resources Inc. from a neutral rating to an underperform rating in a research note to investors on Friday, March 18th.
Silver Standard Resources Inc. is a silver resource company that assembled a portfolio of silver-dominant projects located in seven countries in the Americas and Australia. The Companyâs project, Pirquitas Project is focused on operating and producing silver. The Company is focused on advancing its five other principal projects, including the San Luis project, the Pitarrilla project, the Diablillos project, the Snowfield project and the Brucejack project.
Silver Standard Resources Inc. has a 52 week low of $15.61 and a 52 week high of $35.74. The stocks 50-day moving average is $31.24 and its 200-day moving average is $26.9. The company has a market cap of $2.772 billion and a price-to-earnings ratio of 7.93.