AHMSA Logra Acuerdo de Venta; le Invertirán 200 Millones de Dólares
Saltillo, Coah. La siderúrgica Altos Hornos de México Sociedad Anónima (AHMSA), con sede en Monclova, llegó a un acuerdo de compraventa con inversionistas extranjeros, que de
Saltillo, Coah. La siderúrgica Altos Hornos de México Sociedad Anónima (AHMSA), con sede en Monclova, llegó a un acuerdo de compraventa con inversionistas extranjeros, que de
“We believe there is excellent potential to extend mineralization beyond the areas that were historically mined at Union and Union Norte. Controlling the historical mine areas and local infrastructure puts us in a position to move ahead more aggressively with other discovery targets within the surrounding areas as well.”
GR Silver Mining Chairman and CEO, Eric Zaunscherb comments, “The upcoming resource estimation is expected to define a significant resource dominated by silver mineralization over broad widths, relatively close to surface or existing underground infrastructure. We consider these attributes to contribute to GR Silver Mining’s competitive advantages, along with project scale and prospectivity, and the management and board skills to take the project to the next level. We anticipate a potential market re-rating related to the resource estimation update, based on scale and quality of resources.”
“Ongoing drilling at Copala continues to demonstrate exceptional continuity of high-grade mineralization,” commented Michael Konnert, President & CEO. “The recently completed infill-drilling program serves to incrementally de-risk the local resource through tighter spaced drilling and provides representative sample material for metallurgical testing.”
Check the Mining State Panoramas
The promotion and dissemination as essential elements to understand and disseminate our Mineral resources, that is why today it is pleased to make the document “Mining Panorama” available to society, by state.
GeoInfoMex, is the consultation system of the Mexican Geological Service that allows users to know geoscientific information and make decisions with savings in time and resources, helping to promote mining activity.
The DOF is the organ of the Constitutional Government of the United Mexican States, which has the function of publishing in the national territory, to so that they are properly observed and applied in their respective areas of competence.
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