Month: June 2020

MAG Silver Announces 19.9% Interest in Reyna Silver Corp. (formerly Century Metals Inc.)

MAG Silver Corp. announces that, pursuant to a transaction among Reyna Silver Corp. (formerly named Century Metals Inc.), Reyna Silver Mining Inc. (formerly named Reyna Silver Corp.) and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Issuer, MAG has acquired, in exchange for its existing preferred shares of the Target and for no additional consideration, 14,556,706 common shares of the Issuer together with certain contractual rights of participation in future issuances of Company Shares.

Major Drilling Announces Annual and Fourth Quarter Results

“Our first and most important priority in this tumultuous climate is to protect the health and well-being of our employees and customers. Our management team has been proactive from the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are continuously communicating with our clients and employees on how to implement preventative measures to reduce transmission of the virus and protective measures to stay safe. We are grateful for the dedication and commitment of our employees, especially those on the front-line, in the field and workshops,” said Denis Larocque, President and CEO of Major Drilling Group International Inc.

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