Day: March 4, 2019

Oroco Provides Legal Update

There are several areas of current legal activity relating to protecting and enforcing the Company’s interest in the Santo Tomas Concessions. At present, the following initiatives, amongst others, are expected to validate and maintain the status quo of the titles and eventually remove any unwarranted ownership claims to the Santo Tomas Concessions as are currently being made by Aztec Copper Inc., an Arizona company, and its Mexican subsidiary, Prime Aztec Mexicana S.A de C.V.

AMLO Cancels a Gold Mine to Protect Water and Improve Tourism

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador cancelled a gold mine project called Los Cardones in Baja California province on Sunday. The mine, located at one of the main aquifers of the southern area of Baja California, was a threat to the local water sources, according to Lopez Obrador.

Sinaloa buscará lazos comerciales con Canadá

El Gobierno del Estado buscará lazos comerciales con Canadá en el marco del PDAC, que es la convención de minería más importante a nivel internacional, que reúne a mil expositores de 800 empresas mineras, y congrega a 30 mil asistentes de 125 países.

Magellan Engages Senior Mining Consultant for Evaluation and Design of El Dorado Gold-Silver Mine

Magellan’s CEO, Pierce Carson commented, “We are pleased to be able to engage David, who is a highly respected engineer with over 45 years of experience in mine operations and management. Of particular relevance, his background includes many years in design, construction and operation of underground mines in Mexico. Initially, his work on El Dorado will focus on mine design, project economics and formulation of a detailed development schedule and budget.”

Venadas Vein Discovery Opens New Juanicipio Exploration Potential

This is an entirely new and previously unrecognized vein trend that runs opposite to the expected NW-orientations shown by veins mined for nearly 500 years throughout the known parts of the Fresnillo District. The JV exploration team deserves great credit for puzzling it out, said Dr. Peter Megaw, MAG Silver’s Chief Exploration Officer. We think these may be very important controls on the overall mineralization system because the Valdecañas Vein gets wider and richer in gold where Venadas and its suspected brethren cross it. Most importantly, the cuts to date are all at high elevations, so we are eager to drill them at depth to see if they improve like Valdecañas.

Valdecanas Deep Zone Expanded and Significant New Hangingwall Vein Discovered

The Valdecañas Vein System continues to astound us with its multiple high-grade silver and gold overprintings on the increasingly base-metal rich Deep Zone and its overall persistence; it having now been traced for over 1,100 metres beneath the top of the Bonanza Zone where our mine development is currently advancing nicely, said George Paspalas, President and CEO of MAG. We are especially pleased with how each hole into the Valdecañas Vein East gives us a free shot on the way not only at the ever-expanding Anticipada Vein but also the fortuitously discovered Pre-Anticipada Vein. Because the drill spacing in the Deep Zone is still widely spaced, we expect the major impact on resources will be to the Inferred category, and that drilling off to Indicated may best be done in the future from underground.

Cancela AMLO mina de oro Los Cardones en BCS

Al detallar su decisión, dijo, “también me adelanto porque me van a reclamar, ya saben cómo me tienen, van a decir y por qué en el aeropuerto hubo consulta y por qué en la termoeléctrica hubo consulta y en lo de la mina no. Es sencillo, lo del aeropuerto lo iniciaron otros; lo de la termoeléctrica y el gasoducto lo iniciaron también el gobierno pasado. Esto me tocaría a mí iniciarlo, y yo digo no. Y tengo la facultad”, precisó.

Radius Gold Provides Update on Amalia Project, Mexico

Radius Gold Inc. is pleased to provide an update on its preparations for stage two drilling at the Amalia Gold-Silver Project in Chihuahua, Mexico. Late last year, Radius announced the results from its initial drill program at Amalia. Five drill holes tested the Campamento (now called San Pedro) structural corridor, intercepting gold and silver mineralization in all holes with the deepest hole AMD18-009 cutting 26m at 7.08 g/t Au and 517 g/t Ag, including 5m at 14.71 g/t Au and 1378 g/t Ag.

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