Day: January 23, 2019

Laboran los 440 mineros despedidos mientras pactan finiquitos

A más de un mes del anuncio sobre el despido de 240 empleados de la mina El Cubo y otros 200 de la mina de Cata, Rayas y el Rosario, el secretario general de la Sección 142 del Sindicato de Mineros, Juan Enrique Vargas, continúa en la Ciudad de México negociando que las personas que fueron despedidas obtengan liquidaciones superiores a las que marca la ley.

Fresnillo Plc – Production Report for the three months and full year ended 31 December 2018

Octavio Alvídrez, Chief Executive Officer, said: “Record annual silver production and a very strong gold performance does not mask what was a challenging year for Fresnillo. Gold production surpassed the expectations we had at the beginning of the year and is in line with our upwardly revised guidance, driven by a strong performance at Saucito, the successful start of operations of the Pyrites Plant at Saucito and the higher ore grade at the Fresnillo mine.

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