Month: May 2018

Camrova Resources Announces Closing of Private Placement

Camrova Resources Inc. (TSX-V:CAV) (OTC:BAJFF) announces that it has closed the non-brokered private placement of units of the Company at a price of Cdn. $0.08 per Unit, issuing an aggregate of 2,830,000 Units to raise gross proceeds of Cdn $ 226,400.

Alio Gold Completes Surface Drilling Program at Ana Paula

“The final set of drill results from the surface drill program has met our objective to confirm and provide us with additional detail on the extent and continuity of the complex breccia below the proposed pit.” said Greg McCunn, Chief Executive Officer. “In addition, the information has provided us with confidence in our decision to incorporate the underground component into the project scope.”

Prospero Begins Drilling At Buenavista Project, Durango State, Mexico

The 3,000 meter core drill program, starting on Buensavista South Stockwork, will test at least 4 principal drill-ready zones. In addition to the Buenavista South Stockwork, other targets include the Buenavista NE dike/vein, the Camaleon vein and the Pajaro Stockwork. The surface expression of these targets occurs within the lower portion of a strong high-level argillic cap.

Todo un éxito, feria de la seguridad Fresnillo PLC

Los más de 11 mil asistentes, entre niños, jóvenes y adultos, se divirtieron y aprendieron consejos de seguridad en la casa, escuela y trabajo, además de presenciar pláticas de cuidados a la salud, obras de teatro y dinámicas, por lo que se visitaron también los módulos de las empresas contratistas, paramédicos de Cruz Roja Fresnillo y personal militar del 97 Batallón de Infantería.

Sonoro Adds Tres Amigos Concession to Cerro Caliche

“Our Hermosillo-based exploration team, headed by noted geologist Mel Herdrick, is currently defining targets throughout the Cerro Caliche concessions for a reverse circulation drilling program scheduled to begin during the second half of 2018,” said Kenneth MacLeod, President and CEO of Sonoro. “The drilling program is being designed to verify the earlier data and to expand the scope and scale of the gold resource indicated in the Corex report.”

Orla Mining Announces Positive Results of Preliminary Economic Assessment and New Mineral Resource Estimate for Camino Rojo

Orla Mining Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: OLA) is pleased to provide the results of a positive Preliminary Economic Assessment and a mineral resource estimate on its 100% owned Camino Rojo Project located in Zacatecas State, Mexico. The mineral resource and PEA support a technically simple open-pit mine and heap-leach operation that offers low capital and operating costs, rapid payback, and strong financial performance.

Pan American Silver Corp condiciona reapertura

El presidente y director ejecutivo de Pan American Silver Corp., Michael Steinmann, anunció ayer que, hasta que las carreteras sean seguras para los empleados, reanudará las labores de movimiento del personal hacia y desde la mina Dolores, en el municipio de Madera.

SilverCrest Discovers New High-Grade Vein at Las Chispas; 1.5 metres @ 23.96 gpt Au and 2,081 gpt Ag, or 3,879 gpt AgEq

N. Eric Fier, CPG, P.Eng and CEO, remarked, “With this discovery of the Babicanora Norte Vein, we continue to show the increased potential for more near-surface high-grade mineralized veins. This is now the 11th high-grade vein we have discovered in the district. This vein is located adjacent and parallel to the Babicanora Vein which contains a majority of the maiden resource estimate. We recently identified this untested vein and strategically drilled it for high-grades which were discovered in our second drill hole (BAN18-02, intercepting 1.5 metres grading 9.11 gpt gold and 1,033.3 gpt silver, or 1,716 gpt AgEq*). This successful strategy required projecting the known high-grade footprint of the adjacent Babicanora Vein along with geologic constraints to the untested Babicanora Norte Vein. With six drills currently operating, we continue to aggressively drill-test the Babicanora Norte Vein and several other untested veins using the model of “Nature of Multiples”; that is, find one high-grade footprint in a vein and apply the same controls to the next nearby vein.”

Endeavour Appoints Vice President, New Projects

Bradford Cooke, Endeavour CEO, commented, “I am pleased to welcome Manuel Echevarria to the Endeavour management team. His skills and experience are a great fit with our senior group and his depth and breadth of knowledge in the mining sector will enhance our ability to become bigger and better going forward as we optimize our three current mines and develop new mines to fuel our future growth.”

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