Day: February 16, 2018

Alcanza la Mina El Chanate de Alamos Gold 5 Millones de Horas-Hombre Sin Accidentes Incapacitantes

El pasado 1° de febrero a las 5 p.m. la mina sonorense El Chanate, de Alamos Gold, cumplió 5,000,000 de Horas Hombre sin Incidentes con Tiempo Perdido, equivalentes a 1,135 días o 3 años y 39 días, un logro nunca alcanzado en ningún sector económico en Mexico y pocas veces visto en el mundo. John McCluskey, CEO de alamos Gold, declaró: “Este es el fruto de fomentar entre todo el personal que labora en la familia de Alamos Gold una actitud de liderazgo a favor de la seguridad en el trabajo, con miras a fijar permanentemente el compromiso de cuidarse personalmente y proteger a sus compañeros. Muchas felicidades por este resultado ejemplar”.

Sale of Gold Confirmed from Test Run at Santa Elena Mine

Mexus CEO Paul Thompson added, “The Santa Elena results to date are disappointing. We were expecting to be producing a significant amount of gold by now. I’m hopeful that MarMar will get the job done as we know that there is gold on the leach pad and on the property in general. I will get updates to our shareholders as we receive additional information. I’m optimistic that MarMar has the right staff on site to get the gold from the leach pad. We are pushing forward with our other properties and the outlook for these is extremely promising. You can see that our first target is the Ures property. Getting production from this property will give Mexus the much needed revenue stream to allow for a build out on all of our properties.”

Torex Completes Closing of Over-Allotment Option

The net proceeds of the Offering will be used to fund and provide liquidity for the Company’s working capital obligations during the re-start and ramp-up of the ELG Mine Complex, as required, and for general corporate purposes.

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