Fred Stanford, President & CEO of Torex stated: The start of this in-fill drilling program is a big step in advancing the development of the Media Luna deposit. That development process will be aided by the increased geological understanding and confidence that comes from the drilling program. It will also be potentially enhanced by the optimization of the Media Luna production and service processes, that have been developed by internal teams, while we waited for the financial flexibility to proceed with in-fill drilling. An updated preliminary economic assessment, scheduled for late in Q1, 2018, is expected to illustrate the commercial advantages of the proposed optimized processes. Internal and external study teams are also focusing on design elements that are expected to expedite the permitting process. Pending success of future technical studies, the potential timeline contemplates beginning construction of the Media Luna mine in early 2020, is expected to be financed from internal cash flow, and gold production is expected to begin in early 2022.