J.D. Poliquin, chairman of Almaden stated, “When low sulphidation epithermal precious metal deposits are formed, metal bearing fluid rises from depth, filling fractures with quartz, calcite and precious metal minerals. In the highest mineralised areas of the system, the same fluids can be dispersed through multiple smaller fractures to form a sheeted vein zone or swarm such as we have at the Main Ixtaca Zone. The veinlets that comprise the Main Ixtaca Zone individually carry very elevated gold and silver grades, but as they are spread out within a broad area of limestone host rock, the overall average grade is lower. To have a completely preserved system as at Ixtaca is exciting but unusual as many epithermal vein systems in Mexico have been eroded down to the feeder veins where base metals are often abundant, making them by metal content lead and zinc deposits with high precious metal credits. The intercepts reported today further demonstrate the potential for large tonnage sheeted vein zones, as well as bonanza feeder vein zones below. Our 2017 exploration drill program is targeting both.”