Day: June 12, 2017

Alcanza la Mina El Chanate de Alamos Gold Record de 4 Millones de Horas-Hombre Sin Accidentes Incapacitantes

“Cumplir cuatro millones de horas hombre sin accidentes con tiempo perdido, posiciona a la empresa entre las más seguras de la industria minera a nivel Nacional”, destacó el Dr. Luis Chávez Martínez Senior VP México de Álamos Gold Inc., expresando que este éxito demuestra un gran trabajo en equipo que se refleja en la educación, formación, compromiso y entrega de todo el personal que labora en Mina El Chanate, enviando también sus felicitaciones a todos por cuidarse, y por cuidar a sus compañeros en el trabajo.

Marlin Gold Intersects 2.73 g/t Gold Over 38.7 Meters, Including 5.12 g/t Gold Over 14 Meters, at La Trinidad

Akiba Leisman, Executive Chairman and Interim CEO states that “drilling at the Taunus pit is giving us great exploration success. Areas that were previously modeled as waste are yielding mineralized intercepts that are multiples of our 0.35 g/t gold cut-off grade. This drilling program will add ounces to our mine plan, and we will continue drilling to the southeast to determine how significant the Taunus pit can eventually become.”

Endeavour Silver Completes Review of Director’s AGM Election Status

Endeavour Silver Corp. advises that at the Company’s Annual General Meeting held on May 3, 2017, all director nominees were re-elected to the Board of Directors. However, as Mario Szotlender did not receive a majority of the votes cast at the meeting in his favour, he tendered his resignation as a director of the Company subject to a review by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Company’s Majority Voting Policy. Pursuant to the Policy, the Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee of the Board reviewed the reasons for which it believed Mr. Szotlender had not received a majority of votes cast in favour of his election. The Committee determined that this was due to a recommendation made by a proxy advisory firm who considered Mr. Szotlender to be “over-boarded” by virtue of sitting on the Boards of Directors of six different public companies. Mr. Szotlender subsequently resigned from the Board of one of these companies. Being a director of only five companies and having attended all Board meetings of the Company during fiscal 2016, Mr. Szotlender would no longer be considered “over-boarded” under the guidelines of proxy advisory firms. The Committee recommended that Mr. Szotlender’s resignation should not be accepted, the Board of Directors considered the recommendation and has accordingly declined to accept Mr. Szotlender’s resignation.

Torex Announces Amendment To Shareholder Rights Plan

Torex Gold Resources Inc. announces that the Company has amended certain terms of the proposed amended and restated shareholder rights plan agreement to be presented for approval at the annual and special meeting of shareholders of Torex scheduled to be held on June 21, 2017. The amendment was made in response to comments from ISS Proxy Advisory Services, a branch of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., a proxy voting advisory and corporate governance services firm.

Gold-Silver Project in Sonora, Mexico Update

Goldex Resources Corporation is pleased to announce that from from May 15th to the 26th a short geological field program was completed at the Mingeo Property. Mineralization as observed in the four underground adits and surface outcrops is mainly confined to low angle quartz “mantos” (0.10 to 3.0m wide), which in places are strongly folded and/or displaced by quartz bearing faults. The quartz mantos strike ENE to WNW with an average dip of 20 degrees mostly to the north. Some mantos show shear movement along their hanging-wall contacts. The quartz mantos are believed to be of orogenic origin and lie within northern Sonora.

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