Day: March 12, 2015

Azure Minerals Successfully Raises $2.24 Million Through Oversubscribed Share Purchase Plan

Azure Minerals Limited is pleased to announce that the Company’s Share Purchase Plan has closed, with total funds raised of approximately $2.24 million. This is an outstanding result given current market conditions, and reflects the quality of the underlying assets in the portfolio and the confidence of the Company’s shareholders. The funds raised will allow the company to significantly progress the exciting Alacrán Copper Project, recently acquired from Teck Resources, as well as providing for ongoing working capital requirements.

VVC Exploration Provides Projects Update

VVC Exploration Corporation is pleased to report on the positive comments by the Honorable César Duarte Jáquez, Governor of Chihuahua during his press conference in Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, regarding zoning changes for a “near-production” copper project in Northern Mexico owned by Samalayuca Cobre S.A. de C.V., a company which is 33.75% owned by VVC Exploration Corporation.

Las mineras extranjeras invierten 40% menos

Durante 2014, la minería de oro y plata registró una inversión extranjera directa por mil 165.6 millones de dólares, una caída de 39.6%, la primer baja en tres años, derivado principalmente de un mayor cobro de impuestos a la extracción y los menores precios en los metales preciosos.

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