Mr. Jose Manuel Borquez has been named a director of Aurcana Corporation. Mr. Borquez is an attorney based in Santiago, Chile who has worked in the natural resources sector for 25 years. An International Natural Resources lawyer specialized in Latin America, he is a graduate of the School of Law of the Universidad de Chile with Law, Economics and International Relations studies at the graduate level at the Diplomatic Academy of Chile (1985-1986) and at Georgetown University Law Center and the School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. (1987/1988). He was admitted to the Bar in Chile in 1985. He has been involved in assignments throughout the Americas as well as Africa and the Middle East. Clients range from multinational mining companies to privately-owned mines, financial institutions and government agencies. Corporate clients of note have included Placer Dome Inc, Antofagasta, Xstrata and Codelco, among many other companies. His broad experience in the precious metals and base metals sectors ranges from exploration and mining to reclamation.