BACANORA MINERALS LTD. announces that it has re-filed its interim financial statements for the periods ended September 30, 2013 and December 31, 2013 and its management discussion and analysis for the same periods. In the course of preparing the Company’s consolidated interim financial statements for the period ended March 31, 2014, management identified certain required reclassification adjustments for the accounting for the disposition of its 30% interest in its subsidiary holding the El Sauz and Fleur Lithium concessions. The Company has corrected the consolidated financial statements to record directly in equity the difference between the adjustment to the non-controlling interest and the fair value of the consideration received. Please refer to note 12 of the restated condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the periods ended September 30, 2013 and December 31, 2013 for a summary of the impact of the restatement adjustments on the Company’s previously reported consolidated financial statements.