Mammoth Resources Corp. is pleased to report the results of a pole-dipole induced polarization and magnetic ground geophysics survey at its Tenoriba property located in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. The magnetic survey has assisted in confirming the presence of east-west, east northeast and locally northwest trending structures (faults) which Mammoth geologists based on their mapping and sampling work has identified as controls for gold-silver mineralization. The IP survey also assisted in identifying these same structures with strike lengths of greater than 100 metres up to as much as 600 metres and in most cases these remain open beyond these lengths. A few of these structures are closely associated to artisanal mine workings (e.g. at El Moreno). These IP axes once more appear to confirm at depth the same features as were identified by company geologists mapping & sampling gold-silver mineralization and alteration controls on surface. Areas of specific interest are identified in Figure 1, Tenoriba Geophysics Survey Results, Zones A, B and C. Additional areas of interest are similarly identified on this figure between and to the north and south of these zones.