Day: July 3, 2013

Paga Ternium regalía minera de junio a indígenas de Aquila

Mediante una carta entregada a cada uno de los nahuas de la Comunidad Indígena de San Miguel de Aquila, la empresa Ternium les informó el cálculo de la regalía minera del mes de junio, y también les notificó que para efectuar el pago individual a cada comunero, la empresa remitió a Banca AFIRME el padrón oficial inscrito por la propia comunidad en el Registro Agrario Nacional, y de esta manera, desde el martes 2 del presente mes de julio los 401 indígenas beneficiados recibieron el depósito correspondiente en sus cuentas personales de la institución bancaria.

AuRico Gold Declares Quarterly Dividend

AuRico Gold Inc. today announced that its Board of Directors has declared the Company’s dividend payment of $0.04 per share for the second quarter ended June 30, 2013, payable on July 29, 2013 to shareholders of record at the close of business on July 15, 2013.

VVC Mailing Proxy Material

VVC Exploration Corporation is pleased to announce that with respect to VVC’s annual and special meeting of shareholders (AGM) to be held in Dorval, Quebec, on July 30, 2013, the proxy materials, comprising of the Notice and Information Circular booklet and the Form of Proxy, are being sent by mail to shareholders shortly. As such, registered shareholders should be receiving a proxy and non-registered shareholders should be receiving a voting instruction form. The Information Circular was filed on SEDAR.

Red Tiger Mining Reports Record Monthly Production at its Luz del Cobre Copper mine; Commercial Production Levels Reached

Red Tiger Mining Inc. today reports that for the month of June 2013, its Luz del Cobre Copper Mine produced 505 tonnes of COMEX Grade 1 copper, a monthly record since its start-up in May 2012. The Company is also pleased to confirm that as of July 1st, commercial production levels have been reached. The Company will begin reporting revenues and cost of sales on the income statement from July 1st onwards.

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